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Official Website administered by the State Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts

Marketing – “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” (American Marketing Association)
Since marketing covers a significant area of business, we have highlighted below critical items/steps to cover:
Key ActivitiesDescribe the ways and reasons your business will have a competitive advantage.
Key ResourcesList all resources you will leverage to create value for your customer.
Value PropositionState the value your company brings to the market.
Customer RelationshipsDescribe how your customers will interact with the business: online, in person?
Customer SegmentsDescribe who is your target audience.
ChannelsDescribe the ways you will use to communicate with your customers. Most businesses use a mix of channels.
Cost StructureDefine whether your company will focus on reducing costs or maximizing value. State your strategy and the highest prices to achieve it.
Revenue StreamsDescribe the strategy to generate revenue- for instance: direct sales, membership fees, subscriptions, etc.
Small Business Administration template (lean business plan template)This example business plan is provided by the Small Business Administration.
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